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Hotel Accommodations for Out-of-Town Guests
(Both hotels are steps away from The Casino)

The Raffaello                                                              Marriott Residence Inn
201 East Delaware Place                                                                       201 East Walton Place
Chicago, IL   60611                                                                                Chicago, IL   60611
Phone:  312.943.5000                                                                            Phone:  312.943.9800
Price $179/night until April 6, 2011                                                          Price is $184/night until April 6, 2011
Mention Eckert/Trombley Wedding Block, Code # 8700                            Mention Eckert/Trombley Wedding Block
Breakfast is Room Service only                                                              Continental Breakfast in Lobby is included
Parking is $50 per day (unlimited in and out)                                            Parking is $50 per day (unlimited in and out)
LINK to The Raffaello                                                                          LINK to the Marriott Residence Inn 

Nearest Self Park Located At:

Walton Garage
100 East Walton Place
Chicago, IL 60611
Parking is $33 per day (but NOT unlimited in and out)

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